Rylaiのインスタグラム(jabcecc) - 10月13日 04時12分

Foxy Friday Factoid
Did you know there is a species of fox that lives on the African Savannah and has been unchanged for over 800,000 years? It is called the Bat Eared Fox. The name is quite fitting as it has large ears resembling a bat. While the Bat Eared Fox can hear quite well, those large ears evolved that way to aid in thermoregulation given the high temperatures encountered in its habitat. This fox lives primarily on a diet of insects with its preferred variety being termites. While the Bat Eared Fox has a stable population, this can change quickly due to encroachment on its territory by humans. .
#batearedfox #foxes #fridayfactoid #foxyfridayfactoid #friday #conservation #canidconservation #canids #nonprofit #support #bats #ears


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