ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 10月1日 02時40分

A mind with few expectations often performs better than a mind with many. After checking the moves on my first try I would have bet against a successful second attempt, possibly 6 to 1 against. But I still tried my best, stayed on and fought to the top. I don’t think objectively betting against yourself is negative. We could all do with some objectivity training. What is negative is to not try at all and to feel bad if we fall because with this kind of attitude we aren’t seeing the value in all the climbing we did up to the point of falling. All the effort we did seems wasted if we don’t send. Even though in these moments we are doing what we love to do. Ligne Noire Bionassay 8a+ @outdoor.jake photos whilst filming for his current film on flow. Check it out his Instagram for updates @blackdiamond @lasportivagram


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