今日は久しぶりにラジオまるちゃんだよ~。東京都江戸川区のわんこ大好きっ子さんからいただきました。「ちっこいわんこはお散歩が必要ないって聞きますが、本当ですか?」あーこれね、勘違いしている人が多いけど、そんなの嘘だよ!正しくは、「中型犬や大型犬に比べると」長い時間や距離は必要ないってだけだよ。お散歩に行く必要性は、運動のため、いろんな匂いを嗅ぐことでわんことしての本能を満たすため、他のわんこや人と会って社会性を身につけるためだよ。こういう規律を守ってあげることで、わんこのほうがはるかに人間性(犬性?)がよくなるし、穏やかな性格形成に役立つし、夜はぐっすりこんこん眠れて心身ともにストレス軽減するよ。 ✨?✨ Good morning guys! This is DJ MARU. You are now listening to RADIO MARUCHAN. Let's start with a question from listener, "Is this true that we do not need to take small dogs for a walk?" Wow, are you kidding? You're completely mistaken about dogs' walking. It is not only for exercise, but for many reason. Of course for exercise, to enhance dog's instinctual world and to learn how to fit into society. You must fulfill their needs. 1.EXERCISE 2.DISCIPLINE 3.AFFECTION, these are the best balance and harmony for a happy dog! #動物愛護週間

marutaroさん(@marutaro)が投稿した動画 -

まる(まるたろう)のインスタグラム(marutaro) - 9月23日 09時43分

Good morning guys! This is DJ MARU. You are now listening to RADIO MARUCHAN. Let's start with a question from listener, "Is this true that we do not need to take small dogs for a walk?" Wow, are you kidding? You're completely mistaken about dogs' walking. It is not only for exercise, but for many reason. Of course for exercise, to enhance dog's instinctual world and to learn how to fit into society. You must fulfill their needs. 1.EXERCISE 2.DISCIPLINE 3.AFFECTION, these are the best balance and harmony for a happy dog!


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