【ALCB Presents “GUEST BARISTA DAY” Vol. 16 with Dan from Artificer Coffee in Sydney】9/26 Wed. Co-owner / barista Dan Yee from @artificercoffee in Sydney, Australia is coming to ALCB! . He will be serving their house roasted coffee from Artificer Coffee both in espresso and filter. This is going to be a very much special chance to taste his coffee in Tokyo! Please come and enjoy! . ◆INFO◆ ・Event:ALCB × Artificer Coffee ・Day:2018. 09. 26 Wed ・Time:13:00-16:00 ・Guest:@yeeza . ■Guest Profile: Dan Yee; co-owner with friend and business partner Shoji Sasa at ARTIFICER COFFEE  in Sydney, Australia. . Learnt the art of selection, roasting and brewing along the way with previous work at Pablo & Rusty's, AIR Coffee, Salvage Specialty Coffee, ARTIFICER was the outlet to pull it altogether and be in control of the process, start to finish. . One of his career highlights was the time spent making coffee alongside some of the best baristas from around the world at 2012 TED Talks in Long Beach, California. . There he realised the significance of the difference between 'service' and 'hospitality' and what role they play alongside the preparation of coffee. . While at SALVAGE COFFEE (2012-2014), Dan was awarded 2013 The SMH Best Barista, the year after his mate Shoji Sasa (2012). Alongside all of this he was heavily involved with judging barista competitions as well as competing in the inaugural Brewers Cup and placing 2nd in Australia. . 9/26 (水) は、ALCBがお届けするイベント、“GUEST BARISTA DAY” を開催いたします!! . vol. 16となる今回は、オーストラリアのシドニーにある「Artificer Specialty Coffee Bar & Roastery」から共同オーナー兼バリスタのダン・イー(Dan Yee)さんをお迎えします! . 当日はArtificer Coffeeが焙煎するオリジナルブレンドやシングルオリジンの豆を使ったフィルターやエスプレッソをお楽しみいただけます! . 13:00〜16:00までの3時間限定のイベントですので、お見逃しなく!! . ◆INFO◆ ・Event:ALCB × Artificer Coffee ・Day:2018. 09. 26 Wed ・Time:13:00-16:00 ・Guest:Dan Yee . 「Artificer Specialty Coffee Bar & Roastery」は、長年シドニーのコーヒーシーンを牽引してきた、DanさんとShoji Sasaさんによって2014年にサリーヒルズにオープン。以来、コーヒーのみの提供にこだわるクラフトマンマインドと二人のフレンドリーさが評判となり、常に多くの人々で賑わっています。 . フレンドリーでありながら、コーヒーへのクオリティを追求し続ける職人気質なクラフトマンの顔を持つDanさんは、長いバリスタ経験の中で、多くのことを学んできたといいます。そんな彼が淹れるコーヒーを飲みながら、ぜひ会話もお楽しんでいただければ嬉しいです。 . みなさまのお越しをお待ちしております! #aboutlifecoffeebrewers #artificercoffee

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ABOUT LIFE COFFEE BREWERSのインスタグラム(aboutlifecoffeebrewers) - 9月20日 23時27分

【ALCB Presents “GUEST BARISTA DAY” Vol. 16 with Dan from Artificer Coffee in Sydney】9/26 Wed.
Co-owner / barista Dan Yee from @artificercoffee in Sydney, Australia is coming to ALCB!
He will be serving their house roasted coffee from Artificer Coffee both in espresso and filter.
This is going to be a very much special chance to taste his coffee in Tokyo! Please come and enjoy!
・Event:ALCB × Artificer Coffee
・Day:2018. 09. 26 Wed
■Guest Profile:
Dan Yee; co-owner with friend and business partner Shoji Sasa at ARTIFICER COFFEE  in Sydney, Australia.
Learnt the art of selection, roasting and brewing along the way with previous work at Pablo & Rusty's, AIR Coffee, Salvage Specialty Coffee, ARTIFICER was the outlet to pull it altogether and be in control of the process, start to finish.
One of his career highlights was the time spent making coffee alongside some of the best baristas from around the world at 2012 TED Talks in Long Beach, California.
There he realised the significance of the difference between 'service' and 'hospitality' and what role they play alongside the preparation of coffee.
While at SALVAGE COFFEE (2012-2014), Dan was awarded 2013 The SMH Best Barista, the year after his mate Shoji Sasa (2012). Alongside all of this he was heavily involved with judging barista competitions as well as competing in the inaugural Brewers Cup and placing 2nd in Australia.
9/26 (水) は、ALCBがお届けするイベント、“GUEST BARISTA DAY” を開催いたします!!
vol. 16となる今回は、オーストラリアのシドニーにある「Artificer Specialty Coffee Bar & Roastery」から共同オーナー兼バリスタのダン・イー(Dan Yee)さんをお迎えします!
当日はArtificer Coffeeが焙煎するオリジナルブレンドやシングルオリジンの豆を使ったフィルターやエスプレッソをお楽しみいただけます!
・Event:ALCB × Artificer Coffee
・Day:2018. 09. 26 Wed
・Time:13:00-16:00 ・Guest:Dan Yee
「Artificer Specialty Coffee Bar & Roastery」は、長年シドニーのコーヒーシーンを牽引してきた、DanさんとShoji Sasaさんによって2014年にサリーヒルズにオープン。以来、コーヒーのみの提供にこだわるクラフトマンマインドと二人のフレンドリーさが評判となり、常に多くの人々で賑わっています。
#aboutlifecoffeebrewers #artificercoffee

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