ブルックリン美術館のインスタグラム(brooklynmuseum) - 9月20日 01時12分

#HalfthePictureBKM is organized by themes that relate to urgent conversations happening today. One theme, No Surprise, is inspired in part by the #MeToo movement. It includes #SueCoe’s depiction of #AnitaHill being burned at the stake (a reference to witch hunts) while the all-male, all-white Senate Judiciary Committee and press corps look on. During Clarence Thomas’s 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Hill accused Thomas of sexual harassment. Broadcast live to the nation, the hearings became a national scandal, with Thomas denying all allegations and eventually being confirmed, a position he’s held since 1991. The accusatory and disbelieving tone of both the committee and the media effectively put Hill, not Thomas, on trial. Nearly 30 years later, have things changed?⠀

[Detail] Sue Coe (born Tamworth, Staffordshire, United Kingdom, 1951) Thank You America (Anita Hill Trial), 1992. Photoetching on wove paper, edition 24/150. Gift of Marco Nocella, 2012.90 #bkmfeministart


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