コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 9月14日 03時57分

We’ve been inspired by @hyggeandwest for years, admiring their wall paper designs and following their collaborations and partnerships. Founders Aimee Lagos and Christiana Coop have an amazing eye for design, interiors and pattern. We were so excited to hear that they were coming out with their own book, Hygge & West Home: Design for a Cozy Life, and absolutely ecstatic to have @stephanie_coralandtusk home in Wyoming be a part of it. Stephanie’s cabin is in excellent company, alongside @aimee_hyggeandwest @christiana_hyggeandwest own homes, @juliarothman , @maleneblifestyle, @anagasteyer, Angelina Rennell @beklinawoman, @lawsonfenning, among others! Published by @chroniclebooks, it’s now available to purchase in most places where books are sold. Hygge & West Home is a must-have resource if you are interested in design and interiors. Grab your copy today and in the meantime scroll through our stories or newest blog post to see a few sneak peeks of Stephanie’s home and interview! ? @jamescarrierestudio
#hyggeandwest #hyggeandwestbook


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