のインスタグラム(citizensofhumanity) - 9月7日 11時05分

Repost from our very own @stephjanss: “In modern conflict it is often women who carry the greatest burden. Civilians are increasingly targeted. Rape and sexual violence continue to be used as weapons of war, and when forced to leave homes, it is women who take charge to hold families together and support children.

The viciousness against women was particularly brutal in the recent outbreak of violence that began in March 2017 in the Kasai region of the Congo. The admirable @gilesduley captured some of these women’s stories and portraits for the cover of the magazine I edit, #HumanityMag.

For the launch of this issue, we are asking our friends to join with us and share their own Humanity cover photo to show solidarity with these refugee women and that #WeAreAllHumanity. For every cover shared, @ will donate $10 to the UNHCR, the organization directly working to help these women and refugees around the world.
Please visit WeAreAllHumanity.org for more details. Thank you so much for your support ♡”


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