キーンのインスタグラム(keen) - 8月15日 10時47分

Meet Keen Ambassador @nicgreece. Nick has traveled to over 33 countries to adventure, live, and be a part of communities since leaving an office job in 2002 for a mobile career as a magazine editor and brand ambassador. He's found its about the people you meet and the connections we make. With KEEN and fellow KEEN Ambassador Jeff Shapiro he helped start the KEEN to Learn education program in Nepal that sprung into Karmaflights with a lot of hard work from amazing individuals like Prem Kunwar and Isabella Messenger. He’s worked with communities through a non-profit he is on the board of, The Cloudbase Foundation, in numerous places around the world to create deeper ties with the places he visits. It’s the amazing memories in incredible places that keep Nick always seeking new experiences from Haiti to Malawi to Iran and next up Mongolia!


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