ヨガジャーナルオンラインのインスタグラム(yogajournalonline) - 8月10日 14時33分

お庭でポーズをキメる@shona_vertue さん😊✨ブラックでまとめたファッションもカッコイイですね‼️
おしゃれ#ヨガジョ のポストも大募集中‼️😊✨
Getting injured is frustrating and demotivating. I spent my formative years training as an elite gymnast and then later as a dancer but decided to quit both in my late teens and pursue a different kind of life.
Initially I didn't keep up with my training and so maintained flexibility but not strength (which is a breeding ground for injury) and I tore my hamstring badly while trying to sprint up some stairs at work. I went from being able to do the splits easily to barely being able to touch my knees. The pain was excruciating and the struggle to regain flexibility afterwards was long and boring - I remember feeling like every session was two steps forwards, one step back. Having the freedom to surf, skateboard and scamper around without pain was too important to me not to try to fix myself so I persevered with monotonous physiotherapy AND in the process of rehabilitation I discovered weight-training which strengthened my hamstrings (and whole body) and here I am, back in a mega stretch. Patience is a Vertue. Will finds a way. @underarmouruk .
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