アンダーグラウンドのインスタグラム(resul80k2) - 8月4日 16時15分

HBD to Vini Reilly of Durutti Column. A band close to our beginnings, as the first bands to be signed to Factory Records. Assembled, signed by Mr Manchester himself, Tony Wilson and Alan Erasmus. They worked alongside other iconic bands like Joy Division and Cabaret Voltaire- names who defined the beginning of Manchester's cultural golden era.
A band in the beginning, they were formed in 1978 and composed of members from a number of local Punk groups. After a heavy fall-out about Wilson's choice of producer, ie. Martin Hannett, Durutti Column became more of Reilly's solo art project. He had his roots in classical music and techniques, which gave their sound a softer edge than the other Post Punk label-mates. Though they never compromised on their experimental or avant-garde sound.
Vini himself worked extensively outside of the band he is most known for. He played a large part in, though largely uncredited and uncompensated, the making of Morrissey's famed solo album Viva Hate. He's also worked with other Northern Punk heroes like Penetration and John Cooper Clarke. Brian Eno reckon's LC is his all time favourite album. John Frusciante thinks he's the best guitarist in the world.
So Happy Birthday Vini. Go check his work out today.
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