サイモン・ネスマンのインスタグラム(simon.nessman) - 7月28日 02時52分

"Nowadays it is generally accepted that some version of free market capitalism is a much more efficient way of ensuring long-term growth, hence greedy tycoons, rich farmers, and freedom of expression are protected, but ecological habitats, social structures and traditional values that stand in the way of free-market capitalism are dismantled and destroyed." - Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus; A Brief History of Tomorrow. I am a beneficiary of this ecologically destructive system, and so I am an accomplice to it. Many of us are. Let us all work towards an economy of ecological sustainability, instead of unsustainable perpetual growth. photo: @tayfuchs #homodeus #clayoquotsound #biospherereserve


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