現在TRUNK(HOTEL)では滋賀県甲賀市にあるアート活動を中心とした福祉事業所「やまなみ工房」とのコラボレーション展覧会を開催中?やまなみ工房では、自閉症や知的障害を持つアーティストとスタッフが共に過ごし、絵画や粘土、刺繍などさまざまな創作活動を行なっている。今回のカプセルコレクションでは、7名の作家によるアートをTRUNK(HOTEL)のスクエアロゴにデザインしたアートTシャツを数量限定で販売する他、原画も購入可能❤︎会期は7月29日(日)まで、TRUNK(ROUNGE)内のPOP-UPスペースRoom101にて行われる。 @trunkhotel is holding an exhibition in collaboration with welfare workshop “Atelier Yamanami” which is based in West side of Japan, in Koga city of Shiga prefecture. At Atelier Yamanami, artists with intellectual disability or autism and staffs spend time together producing paintings, clay work and embroidery art pieces. For this special capsule collection, seven artists created an exclusive limited edition customized Trunk Hotel tshirts? Original prints of these art works will be on sale too. This special pop up exhibition will be held until this Sunday 29th July at Trunk Hotel’s Room101 in TRUNK(ROUNGE). Don’t miss it out? #voguejapan #trunkhotel #やまなみ工房 #yamanamikoubou #supportedbythenipponfoundation #AtelierYamanami

voguejapanさん(@voguejapan)が投稿した動画 -

VOGUE JAPANのインスタグラム(voguejapan) - 7月26日 11時18分


@trunkhotel is holding an exhibition in collaboration with welfare workshop “Atelier Yamanami” which is based in West side of Japan, in Koga city of Shiga prefecture.
At Atelier Yamanami, artists with intellectual disability or autism and staffs spend time together producing paintings, clay work and embroidery art pieces.
For this special capsule collection, seven artists created an exclusive limited edition customized Trunk Hotel tshirts? Original prints of these art works will be on sale too.
This special pop up exhibition will be held until this Sunday 29th July at Trunk Hotel’s Room101 in TRUNK(ROUNGE). Don’t miss it out?

#voguejapan #trunkhotel #やまなみ工房 #yamanamikoubou #supportedbythenipponfoundation #AtelierYamanami


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





VOGUE JAPANを見た方におすすめの有名人