AFP通信のインスタグラム(afpphoto) - 7月19日 13時33分

AFP Photo 📷 Louai Beshara - Street by street, gutted Syrian town begins modest reconstruction - #Syria
Mountains of rubble still block many of the main thoroughfares in Harasta, a town outside Damascus held for nearly five years by armed rebels.

After a blistering weeks-long assault, Syria's government recaptured it in March, and displaced families have been trickling back to check if their homes survived.

Harasta lies in Eastern Ghouta, recaptured this spring by Syrian troops with a deal that saw thousands of rebels and civilians bussed to opposition territory elsewhere.

Harasta was once home to 250,000 people, most of them Syrians from elsewhere in the country who worked in the capital but sought cheap rent.

Now, just 15,000 people remain, town officials estimate, unable to leave until security forces clear their names.

With the use of personal cars banned, boys get around on bicycles while women and toddlers shuffle along on foot.


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