ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 6月29日 03時37分

“I don't think desire can be separated from vision, and I don't think it can be separated from photography regardless of whether or not there is a human body in the photograph. It’s not just about sexual lust. The surfaces and mirrors that I use reference an art historical, vernacular historical, or contemporary reference that assert the importance of desire in photography…. Photographs wouldn't exist if we didn't desire them to, whether that desire comes from lust or curiosity.”
Submitted by Stuart Comer (@stuartcomer), Chief Curator of our Department of Media and Performance Art, as a #MoMACollection artist to explore and celebrate this #Pride Month. See more staff picks at mo.ma/pride.

[Artwork details: Paul Mpagi Sepuya. “Mirror Ground Study (_1990600).” 2016. Pigmented inkjet print. Fund for the Twenty-First Century. © 2018 Paul Mpagi Sepuya]


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