ジャンポールレスパナールのインスタグラム(jeanpaullespagnard) - 5月17日 22時09分

Today is the first anniversary of the death of my very dear friend Emil de Demo. I miss him every day. I think about him a lot. Emil death is the worst thing that happened in my life. I really promised myself that from now I will live each experiences as an amazing life adventure. And that I will do all the things we promissed to each other. There was such a brilliant future in front of him. It’s extremely sad. But today I decided to not cry and spend quality time in the sun with very old friends and very recent friends. Emil you will ALWAYS be there with me I feel it very strongly. So many times I feel you around. So many moments I think that if you were not dead you would be with me laughing and talking about life, fun things, fashion, music and art. I love you forever @emilceramic


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