コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 4月22日 21時31分

Happy Earth Day!!! We're thrilled to celebrate our amazing planet today, and strive to take measures to protect the environment every day! As a company we challenge ourselves regularly to turn our beliefs and principals into actions. A few commitments we have made include, using a majority of unbleached and undyed natural linen for our products, using as many recycled or sustainable packaging materials as we can, giving back to non-profits committed to fighting for our planet, and through our embroidered designs, represent animals and their habitats in a thoughtful and inspiring way. Interested in turning your love for our planet into actions too? The @nrdc_org website is an amazing resource for information on what you can do and how you can contact your government representatives. #earthday


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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