ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 4月17日 04時19分

“I discovered early on that the camera I use affects the picture; that particular cameras lend themselves to particular kinds of photography. The Mick-a-Matic was simply the most amazing and delightful snapshot camera. When you do portraits with a Mick-a-Matic, your subject is always smiling, because they're looking at a big, plastic head of Mickey Mouse.”
Let Stephen Shore be your guide through five decades of experimentation with photographic style, technique, and process with our audio playlist at mo.ma/shoreaudio (link in bio). #StephenShore, the most comprehensive exhibition of the influential photographer’s career, is on view through May 28.

[Image: Stephen Shore. “Mick-a-Matic Camera.” 1971. Plastic. Mfr.: Child Guidance Products. Courtesy the artist and 303 Gallery, New York]


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