[#cafemiru_大阪] —————————————————————— おしゃれなお店が集まる大阪・中崎町で人気の「しまこカフェ」をご紹介します?‍♀️✨  ☑︎シフォンケーキプレート 650yen  見た目の可愛さとほわほわ食感でお店人気No1❣️ シフォンケーキの味はバニラかショコラ、トッピングはイチゴかバナナから選べます。このシフォンケーキを求めて連日多くのお客さんで賑わうそうですよっ?✨  しっかり目で美味しいと評判のクリームがのっかった一皿は、お家型のクッキーがちょこんと添えられてインスタ映えも抜群?ぜひ一度食立ち寄ってみてはいかがでしょうか♫  Many customer visit to eat chiffon cake which is most popular in the cafe store. We can choose vanilla or chocolate of chiffon , and strawberry or banana on topping. We hear that chiffon cake texture is even more softer than we had imagined. Cookie in the shape of house is served with chiffon cake , so its appearance become so cute. It is worth posting on Instagram!! ”Enjoy the hand roasted coffee”,"Enjoy the cafe","Enjoy the a course of lectures",all of these will be answered here. It provides a time that serving with the breath for those who think that child-rearing is very busy and difficult. Good cafe time is come true for mothers.   ?しまこカフェ ⚪︎住所 / 大阪市北区中崎西1-7-35 ⚪︎営業時間 / 10:00-15:30 ⚪︎電話番号 / 06-6147-3070 ⚪︎定休日 / 日曜 ⚪︎アクセス / 地下鉄中崎町駅 徒歩2分 ⚪︎禁煙・喫煙 / 完全禁煙 ⚪︎駐車場 / 無  ☕️ @simakocafe ? @akane.h.0430 —————————————————————— Cafemiruでは「#インスタ探検隊」or「#cafemiru」をタグ付けしているカフェ写真から、運営スタッフが厳選してご紹介しています??

cafemiru.jpさん(@cafemiru.jp)が投稿した動画 -

Beaustagrammerのインスタグラム(cafemiru.jp) - 4月10日 22時32分


☑︎シフォンケーキプレート 650yen



Many customer visit to eat chiffon cake which is most popular in the cafe store.
We can choose vanilla or chocolate of chiffon , and strawberry or banana on topping.
We hear that chiffon cake texture is even more softer than we had imagined.
Cookie in the shape of house is served with chiffon cake , so its appearance become so cute.
It is worth posting on Instagram!!
”Enjoy the hand roasted coffee”,"Enjoy the cafe","Enjoy the a course of lectures",all of these will be answered here. It provides a time that serving with the breath for those who think that child-rearing is very busy and difficult.
Good cafe time is come true for mothers.

⚪︎住所 / 大阪市北区中崎西1-7-35
⚪︎営業時間 / 10:00-15:30
⚪︎電話番号 / 06-6147-3070
⚪︎定休日 / 日曜
⚪︎アクセス / 地下鉄中崎町駅 徒歩2分
⚪︎禁煙・喫煙 / 完全禁煙
⚪︎駐車場 / 無

☕️ @simakocafe
? @akane.h.0430


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




