フェザーフレンズのインスタグラム(featheredfriends1972) - 3月11日 04時45分

We're pleased to introduce two rad FF ambassadors, Kate Brooks Carothers (@eyeofamountaingoat) & Madeline Dunn (@madelinececilia_), who are embarking on a journey this summer to attempt to summit all 28 major Cascade Range volcanoes! Check out our blog (link in bio) in the coming days for a glimpse into their mission, and stay tuned this weekend where they'll be taking over our Instagram.
We're super excited that they asked to partner with us for their trip, but it looks like they were already avid FF fans! ❤

Photo 1: Kate Brooks Carothers
Photo 2: Madeline Dunn
Photo 3: Kate says, "We have been training for our Spring Volcano project separately this winter so far. It has been difficult at times, but I suppose we will get enough of each other after 28 volcanoes, just kidding. It was great being able to spend a few days together this past week."


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