mioのインスタグラム(mio_harutaka) - 2月13日 12時22分

We are in an era in which fashion can ever so easily be obtained online (and BdM is no exception as we continue to strive to make the online experience better), however we need to cherish more than ever the heart throbbing feeling and the satisfaction, as well as the comfort of an exceptional service and great conversation that you can only get in the brick and mortar environment.
If the younger generation is not aware of these perks, I hope they soon will be. No purchase necessary, just go visit the stores, touch and feel for yourself, and the experience will be inspiring.
I sincerely hope that the "non-virtual" stores of Maisons will continue to flourish and shine.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




