ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 1月20日 03時56分

Chris Ofili’s “Embah” (2017)—a newly acquired #MoMACollection work—is now on view in the Heyman Lobby. Ofili created the painting as a tribute to his friend and beloved Trinidadian artist Emheyo Bahabba (known as Embah, or grandpa)—a self-taught poet, painter, sculptor, and musician who served as an important role model to younger artists in Trinidad before his death in 2015. This painting was given to the Museum in honor of pioneering curator Kynaston McShine, who passed away last week. McShine, who hailed from Trinidad, served for many years as a visionary champion of contemporary art at MoMA. Learn more about Kynaston’s remarkable legacy at mo.ma/kynastonmcshine
Image: Chris Ofili. "Embah." 2017. Oil and charcoal on canvas. Gift of Mimi Haas, and Lisa and Steven Tananbaum, in honor of Kynaston McShine. © 2018 Chris Ofili


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