Jan. 22nd New York City. #Repost @miyavi_news #MIYAVI_UNHCR #Repost Thx @kentaro_totsuka - *Japanese follows English I would like to invite you to "Peace is…", the cultural event held by the Permanent Mission of Japan. This is a monthly event at the UN to provide an opportunity for anyone to stop and think about what peace means. Japanese artists based in New York will play the major role not only by implementing cultural performances but also by bringing different stakeholders such as foreign artists, academia, and civil society of New York closer towards the United Nations. The 6th edition of the event featuring the performance of MIYAVI, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, together with Sonita Alizadeh, an Afghan Refugee rapper, and their collaboration with Brooklyn based Japanese artist Fantasista Utamaro. Date/Time: Monday***, January 22nd, 2018. 1:00-3:00pm Venue: UN Visitors Entrance (Please bring your ID) Kindly R.S.V.P. by January 17th, 2018 to Ms. Agnes Mallari. Please find the attached invitation for details. Email: [email protected] アドバイザーとして関わらせていただいている、国連日本代表部が主催するイベント「Peace is…」のご案内です。 毎月一回、NY在住の日本人アーティストが国連ロビーにて作品を発表し、皆さまに平和とは何かを考えるきっかけにしていただくプロジェクトです。第6回目となる今回は「Acceptance」をテーマに、日本人初のUNCHR親善大使に任命されたギタリストMIYAVIが登場します。また、アフガニスタン難民ラッパーのSonita、ブルックリンを拠点とする日本人アーティスト、ファンタジスタ歌麿呂とのコラボレーションも必見です。 日時:2018年1月22日 (月)***、13:00-15:00 場所:国連ロビー (IDをお持ちください 1月17日までに下記まで参加ご希望の旨をご連絡ください。詳細は添付の招待状をご覧ください。 Ms. Agnes Mallari Email: [email protected] 多くの皆様にご参加いただければと思い、情報を掲載します。参加ご希望の方は必ず上記までメールでRSVPをお願い致します。 #un #unitednations #unhcr #miyavi #sonitaalizadeh #fantasistautamaro #peaceis #peaceisevent #newyork #japanmission @fantasistautamaro @sonita_alizadeh @miyavi_ishihara

miyavi_ishiharaさん(@miyavi_ishihara)が投稿した動画 -

雅-MIYAVI-のインスタグラム(miyavi_ishihara) - 1月14日 21時53分

Jan. 22nd New York City. #Repost @miyavi_news #MIYAVI_UNHCR
#Repost Thx @kentaro_totsuka - *Japanese follows English

I would like to invite you to "Peace is…", the cultural event held by the Permanent Mission of Japan.
This is a monthly event at the UN to provide an opportunity for anyone to stop and think about what peace means.
Japanese artists based in New York will play the major role not only by implementing cultural performances but also by bringing different stakeholders such as foreign artists, academia, and civil society of New York closer towards the United Nations.
The 6th edition of the event featuring the performance of MIYAVI, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, together with Sonita Alizadeh, an Afghan Refugee rapper, and their collaboration with Brooklyn based Japanese artist Fantasista Utamaro.
Date/Time: Monday***, January 22nd, 2018. 1:00-3:00pm
Venue: UN Visitors Entrance (Please bring your ID)
Kindly R.S.V.P. by January 17th, 2018 to Ms. Agnes Mallari.
Please find the attached invitation for details.
Email: agnes.mallari@dn.mofa.go.jp

アドバイザーとして関わらせていただいている、国連日本代表部が主催するイベント「Peace is…」のご案内です。
日時:2018年1月22日 (月)***、13:00-15:00
場所:国連ロビー (IDをお持ちください
Ms. Agnes Mallari
Email: agnes.mallari@dn.mofa.go.jp
#un #unitednations #unhcr #miyavi #sonitaalizadeh #fantasistautamaro #peaceis #peaceisevent #newyork #japanmission @fantasistautamaro @sonita_alizadeh @雅-MIYAVI-


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