フリーディアのインスタグラム(friediamn) - 1月3日 05時00分

Inspired by my friend Ellyn✨ To all my female friends of a “certain age''...
Most of us are going through the next stage of our lives. We are at that age where we see the wrinkles, gray hair, extra pounds. We see the pretty 25-year-olds and sigh. But we were once 25 too, just like they will one day be our age. What they bring to the table with their youth and zest for life, we bring with our wisdom, experience and good hearts. For all we've been through earning each grey hair... raising kids, bills and ills and whatever else life brought you/us over the 30s, 40’s, 50’s, we are survivors... we are warriors... we are women. We’re like a classic car or fine wine — while our exterior may not be what it once was, it is traded for our spirit, our courage, and our strength to enter this chapter of our lives with grace and pride for all we've been through and accomplished.
Never feel bad about aging. It is a privilege denied to many. We are still here, we can make a difference.
Ladies, I challenge you to repost with your picture and age. Copy, paste and change age. I will be 38 in 1 month . #power #girlpower #believeinyourself #ageisjustanumber #love #selfie


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