Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 12月25日 04時14分

Video by @tromsoarcticreindeer
Reindeer herding is part of a long family tradition, passed down from generation to generation. “You always learn from older people, the reindeers themselves, the nature and by your own experience,” says 34-year-old Johan Oskal of Tromsø Arctic Reindeer (@tromsoarcticreindeer). Johan and his family are part of the Sami people, an indigenous group that have lived in Arctic Europe since prehistoric times. Just like their ancestors, his family continues to herd thousands of reindeer every year, but they also host adventures in Norway, so people can experience what life is like for the reindeer and the Sami.

Johan’s favorite parts of his profession are the freedom of his days and working with nature. “I love to be out there with the reindeer, and when I see that the animals are good and safe, it warms my heart,” he says. “Come and visit my family, and we’ll tell you more.” Lucky for us, Johan and his family are on our Instagram story right now. Tune in to learn more.

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