プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 12月18日 04時17分

For me, #MeToo is a powerful, female led movement. All voices and stories deserve to be heard and all women— women of colour, trans-women, white women and everyone — should feel empowered to speak up and out. We need a cultural shift to continue to change the conversation and create a society that empowers women from the beginning, to create a world that no longer requires this kind of movement for all people to feel comfortable using their voice. I’ve always believed that if we have more women in power, our world would be more equitable, more just and more compassionate. Together, let’s have a conversation about how we can create such a place. Please share your comments here and watch the full segment of @cbsthismorning at the link in our bio.


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