ハイディメリックのインスタグラム(hmerrick) - 12月7日 03時23分

Photo of our land, right now the hills pictured here are on fire, making their way. My dad called, he was at my tent getting my Hemingway book and wellies. He couldn't find my boots. - I'd only mentioned my book and wellies to my mom as an example of how small it'd be if/when the land burned. Just to say, don't worry about me just be safe. But when I heard my dad's voice and he was there, at the land in my tent, I broke down. Not over my wellies or the flowers or the tractors. Over the heart of a father- that he went did that for me. That small, kind thing that would only matter to me. It's too much, too beautiful, too meaningful and healing to my heart. Things come and go but LOVE remains.


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