ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 12月2日 07時16分

Psyched! The free Salathe. Super happy to have ticked this all time classic off the list. At the top of El Cap with only air beneath your feet it's the kind of climbing which has your stomach talking to you with excitement and apprehension. We worked it from the top for 4 days then went from the ground on an epic all-weather 8 day push. Thanks so much to @jonny__baker who came close to the send himself, took these amazing shots (of which this is the worst) and had the guts to leave the European limestone behind and come climb a big wall. Also thanks to @blackdiamond @lasportivagram @sterlingrope @seatosummitgear @motionnutrition for supplying the necessary gear to get us off the ground. Now time to chill for a bit.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




