MISSGUIDEDのインスタグラム(missguided) - 11月13日 22時27分

"Being yourself to me is: happiness. Being happy with who you are and being happy in your own skin. NO MATTER WHAT. Caring about other people's opinion is way too draining and stressful. LIFE IS TOO SHORT! Do whatever you want, whenever you want. Be free and inspire others along the way. Standing up supporting and empowering each other makes it easier to glue a generation back together where people feel comfortable being themselves. To not judge others or make them feel less because they're "different". We're all different, amazing, unique, beautiful in our own way! The #KEEPONBEINGYOU campaign is encouraging YOU and the world to share what being yourself means to you. To spread a little love. To be you." @erikaperezxx #babesofmissguided


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