ホカオネオネのインスタグラム(hoka) - 11月13日 02時35分

“The night before we headed into the mountains, we discussed an ‘alpine start’ over a leftover burrito and a shared beer — our last meal for a week that doesn’t require rehydration. Stoke levels were high and everyone was too excited to sleep. Starting before sunrise, we got our team up to Applebee Camp early enough to rest our legs before we dashed to the summit of dreamy granite spires. We decide to take one final look at the map and realized that we left the correct map back in California — a map of Yosemite will do us no good here. With full stomachs and fresh muscles, we all saw the humor in this and shrugged it off as part of the adventure.” - HOKA photographer @chris_lorimer on his adventure through the Bugaboos in Canada. #HOKAchallenger #timetofly

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