吉川プリアンカのインスタグラム(priyankayoshikawa) - 11月8日 15時06分

Good morning!
Sometimes it's just misunderstanding and some are my miss word choices but this caught my eye and I didn't want the wrong message out so this is it, Me and my family are very proud and we all look up to Boro dadu (Prafulla Chandra Ghosh)and my father has told me stories about him and there is so much to learn from his archivements. "We don't discuss him over dinner" Let me ask you all one question, do you discuss about your great grand father everyday? With all love he is always in our hearts and not a day I missed I wish I could have met him. We all miss you❤︎

With all respect and I am truly grateful to all of the media coverage I get. Thank you very much!

btw, mama's on Times with me, how wonderful!
Wish you all a beautiful week?? #PriyankaYoshikawa #Grateful


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