応援して下さる皆様へ 平素多くの方々に御支援いただき、有り難く感謝しております。 私こと、知花くららは俳優の上山竜治さんと、本日10月17日に入籍しましたことをご報告申し上げます。 上山さんとは共通の友人を介して出合いました。2014年から交際が始まり、約三年余を共にして参りましたが、ある日のこと。「最近、子どもの頃みたいに笑うね」と嬉しそうな母を見て、彼との時間は幸せなものなのだと改めて気付きました。互いに自然体で居られる若合一契の心地よさは何にも代え難く、どんな時もひたむきな優しさで見守ってくれる彼と、家族として歩みたいと思うようになりました。これからは二人で温かな家庭を築いて参りたいと思います。 お仕事につきましては、変わることなく今後も更なる努力を重ねる所存です。未熟な2人ではありますが、精進して参りますので、より一層の御指導御鞭撻のほど、お願い申し上げます。 平成29年10月17日 知花くらら An announcement to all those who have supported and encouraged me Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. I am happy to announce that Ryuji Kamiyama, the actor, and I joined in marriage today, the 17th of October, 2017. Ryuji and I were introduced by a common friend, and began dating in 2014. One day, after spending nearly three years together, my mother turned to me with a smile on her face: “You know, these days you laugh just like you did when you were a kid!” Listening to her I realized how happy my time spent with Ryuji had made me. This sense of wellbeing, like two pieces of a tally brought together, completely natural, is something I cherish more than anything. Eventually, I came to see us walking together as a family, with Ryuji watching over me gently like he always does. From this day onward we hope to build a warm family together. I’ll be striving to do my best at work, just as before. Today we’ve made one small step out onto the long road ahead of us: thank you in advance for all your advice, love and encouragement. October 17, 2017 Kurara Chibana #married #mercimillefois @kamiyama_ryuji_0910

chibanakurara.officialさん(@chibanakurara.official)が投稿した動画 -

知花くららのインスタグラム(chibanakurara.official) - 10月17日 10時01分







An announcement to all those who have supported and encouraged me
Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement.
I am happy to announce that Ryuji Kamiyama, the actor, and I joined in marriage today, the 17th of October, 2017.
Ryuji and I were introduced by a common friend, and began dating in 2014.
One day, after spending nearly three years together, my mother turned to me with a smile on her face: “You know, these days you laugh just like you did when you were a kid!” Listening to her I realized how happy my time spent with Ryuji had made me. This sense of wellbeing, like two pieces of a tally brought together, completely natural, is something I cherish more than anything. Eventually, I came to see us walking together as a family, with Ryuji watching over me gently like he always does. From this day onward we hope to build a warm family together.
I’ll be striving to do my best at work, just as before. Today we’ve made one small step out onto the long road ahead of us: thank you in advance for all your advice, love and encouragement.
October 17, 2017
Kurara Chibana

#married #mercimillefois


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



