昔、ラテアート大会でよく対戦していたキャベルの弟のソーントン。彼もバリスタでよく大会に出ていました。彼が現在25歳という若さでガンに侵されています。 今の彼の夢は〝世界を見たい〟という事。 下の文章を読んで共感して頂けた方はシェアでもして頂けると幸いです。 彼の夢実現のための募金サイトへは、彼のアカウントから飛ぶ事ができます。 @thorntont - Hello everyone my name is Thornton Tice. I am 25. As some of you know already. I have stage 4 c thyroid cancer. And given the type that I have there is only a 27% chance that I'll live longer that 5 years past my diagnosis. Which was about 2 years ago. Recently my cancer came back. However I'm not reaching out to get help with medical bills. Although they are quite pricy and because of my cancer, working has been very difficult to actually do. I am reaching out because I have always wanted to see the world. To travel. I always thought I'd be able to work and save up. Statistically speaking though, I don't have much time to work or save. Especially because I'm probably going to have another operation very soon here and that will make working impossible for quite a while. A little history about what I've been through because of this cancer. What should have been a 4 hour simple surgery took 17 hours. My thyroid had completely calcified and gone into the surrounding organs. My thyroid was completely removed. As well as 40+ lymph nodes going from my neck down into the top regions of my chest. My vocal chords are completely paralyzed and my airway is permanently obstructed. I had to have a tracheostomy tube in for about 3 months just so I could breathe. I did the radioactive iodine treatments as well as multiple naturopathic remedies. To be honest I am sick of it all. I don't want the remainder of my time on earth to be spent trying to rid my body of a disease. I want to actually live a life that I'm happy with. Even if it's only for a few more years. So I am asking anyone and everyone to help me to travel and see the world before I am too sick to be able to. Anything helps. The link is in my bio.. Thank you all for your time. - #barista #coffee #latte #latteart #art #travel #see #world #バリスタ #コーヒー #ラテアート

junichi_yamaguchiさん(@junichi_yamaguchi)が投稿した動画 -

山口淳一のインスタグラム(junichi_yamaguchi) - 9月24日 21時49分

@thorntont -
Hello everyone my name is Thornton Tice. I am 25. As some of you know already. I have stage 4 c thyroid cancer. And given the type that I have there is only a 27% chance that I'll live longer that 5 years past my diagnosis. Which was about 2 years ago. Recently my cancer came back. However I'm not reaching out to get help with medical bills. Although they are quite pricy and because of my cancer, working has been very difficult to actually do. I am reaching out because I have always wanted to see the world. To travel. I always thought I'd be able to work and save up. Statistically speaking though, I don't have much time to work or save. Especially because I'm probably going to have another operation very soon here and that will make working impossible for quite a while.
A little history about what I've been through because of this cancer. What should have been a 4 hour simple surgery took 17 hours. My thyroid had completely calcified and gone into the surrounding organs. My thyroid was completely removed. As well as 40+ lymph nodes going from my neck down into the top regions of my chest. My vocal chords are completely paralyzed and my airway is permanently obstructed. I had to have a tracheostomy tube in for about 3 months just so I could breathe. I did the radioactive iodine treatments as well as multiple naturopathic remedies.
To be honest I am sick of it all. I don't want the remainder of my time on earth to be spent trying to rid my body of a disease. I want to actually live a life that I'm happy with. Even if it's only for a few more years.
So I am asking anyone and everyone to help me to travel and see the world before I am too sick to be able to. Anything helps. The link is in my bio.. Thank you all for your time.
#barista #coffee #latte #latteart #art #travel #see #world #バリスタ #コーヒー #ラテアート


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