ディーゼルのインスタグラム(diesel) - 9月23日 16時16分

This girl @madelinependleton let us think about dichotomy in life...
#regram: “There has always been this weird dichotomy in my life: one part of me is the obnoxious "overachiever" type - the first kid in class to raise their hand with the answer, reminding the teacher they forgot to give out homework, writing ten pages when the requirement was two, starting my own business...you know, a real "go-getter". And the other part? She lies on her bed in a semi-gelatinous puddle binge watching failed sci-fi shows for six hours at a time, concocting elaborate plans to get out of washing dishes, irking partners and housemates alike by being that person who never takes out the trash and didn't even realize that cabinet under the sink has all those sponges and stuff - where did those come from?! Lazy Madeline works in her own way though, something of a stress-reduction master, making it possible for Overachiever Madeline to go into hyper mode...when she gets around to it. And in the meantime? It's like that 90's Gin Blossoms song says: "if you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down." #GoWithTheFlaw


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