みなさん、こんにちは! 9月になり少し過ごし易い季節になってきました! 京都の秋といえば「観月祭」や紅葉シーズンですね♪ 紅葉がはじまる一足先に、松尾大社では八朔祭が行われました! 五穀豊穣や商売繁盛を願うお祭りで、午前より女神輿・八朔相撲・赤ちゃん土俵入りなどが行われ、夜には松尾大社境内にある提灯に火が灯り、長い一日の終わりを告げます。 おたべからも「あきおたべ」が出たので、是非チェックしてみて下さい! 『あきおたべ』では栗あんと紫芋あんが入ってます♪ Hello everyone! It’s September now, and the season has become a little bit cooler! Speaking of autumn in Kyoto, then it has to be “Moon Viewing Festival” and autumn leaves season♪ Before the start of autumn leaves, the Hassaku-sai Festival held at Matsuo Taisha Shrine! A festival where people pray for good harvest and prosperous business. Since morning there are many rituals performed such as women carrying mikoshi (portable shrine), Hassaku sumo match, as well as akachan-dohyo-iri (baby’s first entry into sumo ring for good luck and health). At night the paper lanterns on the grounds of Matsuo-taisha Shrine are lit up, marking the end of a long day. From Otabe, we also release “Aki Otabe”, so please be sure to check it! The “Aki Otabe” contains chestnut paste and purple sweet potato paste in it♪ 大家好! 季節來到了9月天氣也變得比較宜人了! 說到京都的秋天就讓人想到「觀月祭」還有紅葉的季節呢♪ 快了紅葉的季節一步,松尾大社舉行八朔祭! 這是個祈求五穀豐收及生意興隆的祭典,從早上開始舉行女神輿・八朔相撲・抱小嬰兒進土俵等活動,晚上則將松尾大社內的燈籠點上燈火,以此宣告漫長的一天結束。 OTABE也推出了「秋おたべ(AKI OTABE)」,請大家來品嘗看看! 『秋OTABE』包有栗子跟紫芋泥喔~♪

otabe_8284さん(@otabe_8284)が投稿した動画 -

おたべ Instagram officialのインスタグラム(otabe_8284) - 9月6日 16時35分






おたべからも「あきおたべ」が出たので、是非チェックしてみて下さい! 『あきおたべ』では栗あんと紫芋あんが入ってます♪

Hello everyone!

It’s September now, and the season has become a little bit cooler!

Speaking of autumn in Kyoto, then it has to be “Moon Viewing Festival” and autumn leaves season♪

Before the start of autumn leaves, the Hassaku-sai Festival held at Matsuo Taisha Shrine!

A festival where people pray for good harvest and prosperous business. Since morning there are many rituals performed such as women carrying mikoshi (portable shrine), Hassaku sumo match, as well as akachan-dohyo-iri (baby’s first entry into sumo ring for good luck and health). At night the paper lanterns on the grounds of Matsuo-taisha Shrine are lit up, marking the end of a long day.

From Otabe, we also release “Aki Otabe”, so please be sure to check it!

The “Aki Otabe” contains chestnut paste and purple sweet potato paste in it♪






OTABE也推出了「秋おたべ(AKI OTABE)」,請大家來品嘗看看! 『秋OTABE』包有栗子跟紫芋泥喔~♪


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