アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 7月24日 06時02分

Found in the lower half of the Asian continent, Indian pythons can grow up to 21 feet and weigh up to 200 lbs. They have poor eyesight, so they hunt by scent and by using the heat-sensing pits on their heads, which can detect endothermic prey that are warmer than the surrounding environment. Indian pythons are nonvenomous, so they kill by constricting and biting until the prey suffocates. They can remain underwater for 30 minutes, and can also climb trees. Females are larger than males, and during courtship, the male will wrap his body around a female and flick his tongue on her scales. He then massages her with his vestigial legs (pythons have tiny hind leg bones buried in muscles toward their tail ends) to stimulate her before copulation. Females are particularly attentive mothers, and can lay up to 100 eggs at once. They incubate their eggs for up to nine weeks at a time, leaving only occasionally to drink. #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snake #python #pythons #indianpython #amnh


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