toiro_wagashiのインスタグラム(toiro_wagashi) - 7月4日 15時55分

Kanten Sweets
Kanten or Agar is made from seaweed, the main ingredient is dietary fiber and caloric content is almost zero. • Make the absorption of sugar gentle.
In addition to the rapid increase in blood glucose level , it suppresses secretion of insulin which is also called obesity hormone. • it makes hard to add fat.
Suppresses the absorption of excess lipids such as cholesterol, and heals out of the body. • improve constipation.
It has the effect of protecting the intestinal mucous membrane, increasing the number of good bacteria and adjusting the condition of intestines. #toiro #wagashi #toiro_wagashi #batubelig #kerobokan #bali #balifoodies #july #ordernow #sweets #japanese #diet


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