片山正通のインスタグラム(masamichi_katayama) - 6月25日 20時15分

約2ヶ月半に渡り開催された「片山正通的百科全書 Life is hard... Let's go shopping.」が本日無事終了しました。本当に本当にたくさんの方に来て頂き、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。まだまだ貪欲でいたいので、これからも Life is hard... Let's go shopping. で行きます!
今日はサカナクションのエジこと江島啓一さんが来てくれました!\(^o^)/ My exhibition, " The Encyclopedia of Masamichi Katayama Life is hard... Let's go shopping." ended today, after approximately 2.5 months.
I can not thank you enough for everyone who came to see my exhibition. I truly appreciate spending time for me.
I want to learn and grow more, so I will be greedy as ever and keep this in mind, " Life is hard... Let's go shopping. "!
Today, Keiichi Ejima, aka Eji, of Sakanaction came to the exhibition!\(^o^)/ #片山正通的百科全書 
#exhibition #mycollection #conceptualart #painting #photography #antique #gadget #books #cds #inspiration #inspired #influence #MyOfficeisEmpty
#tokyooperacityartgallery #Wonderwall #thankyouforcoming


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




