Priscilla and Poppletonのインスタグラム(prissy_pig) - 6月19日 22時55分

Silly Pop is heading to the spa for a mud bath with "The Three Little Pigs" this morning. These are our sisters and brother we rescued last summer, so they would never end up on someone's plate. The sad thing is they would have already been eaten by now had they not found their forever home here on our farm. They are no different than us. They flop over for belly rubs, love swimming in their pools, snacks and most of all being loved. ⬅️ left to see how much they have grown, and they have a lot more growing to do. These are regular sized farm pigs! We love them to the Cheerio Castle and back!???#Petunia #Piglet #Periwinkle #Poppleton #FriendsnotFood #rescuepigs #lendahoof #PrissyandPop


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