PAUL & JOE BEAUTEのインスタグラム(paulandjoe_beaute) - 6月5日 17時00分

Today is the world environment DAY! ?✨ Would you care for your skin gentle, as you admire the global environment and nature?

Cleanse your skin with our Cleansing Gel that has a lovely cooling, refreshing sensation.
Use The Oil to massage into the skin. Take your time to really work and pamper your skin with this rich oil.
Take The Herbal Lotion onto a piece of The Cotton and wipe over the skin.
This emulsifies with The Oil to create a hydrating layer over the skin leaving your with beautiful glowing skin. ✨

#PaulandJoe #paulandjoebeaute
#summer #limited #daydream #colorful #blur #dreamy #Sunday #skincare
#cleanginggel #oil #lotion #daydreambeliever
#nice #good #beautiful #beauty #instagood


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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