ニュー・ミュージアム・オブ・コンテンポラリー・アートのインスタグラム(newmuseum) - 6月5日 00時13分

"I paint first and foremost to cure myself, but if I have the bonus of finding that the person who looks at what I do is well synchronized, I may be able to cure him too. ... All the other moments of the day are thick with unfulfilled or very poorly fulfilled desires. While painting, with my sheet of paper, I don't need that... I have all the time to love, suffer, and live... and I succeed in churning out a series of pictures as if I was having children."-#CarolRama, 1981. "Carol Rama: Antibodies," the first-ever New York museum survey of her work, is on view now. [“Carol Rama: Antibodies,” 2017. New Museum, New York. Photo: Maris Hutchinson / EPW Studio]


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