DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 5月15日 10時51分

Daddy and Son in the same clothes omg aren't they both so handsome ???? These are coming soon to @darrenandphillip and we are so excited! Lachlan didn't need too much persuading to wear this hoodie because it's such a cool hoodie haha! He still needed a tiny bit of persuading bc well he's matching the dogs ? but I think he secretly likes it!
We've been wearing ours all weekend and absolutely love them! .
Philly is feeling much much better today, he's been for a little relaxing walk out on the street this morning, (all in our matching hoodies yes we got a few ?looks haha) and now he's chillin on the couch looking pretty happy. He's not having too much tramadol, and today we are going to be making some tumeric paste to put in his dinner. We've had some great suggestions from our lovely friends on here for the things we can give him/do for him now that we know he has arthritis, and we are really grateful for you all helping us out ❤


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