ガゴシアン・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(gagosian) - 3月8日 06時02分

Gagosian Artist Eye | Sterling Ruby
__________ “Pulling back over the last couple of years from the large paintings, I have been intentionally moving toward a smaller scale. I paint directly over the remnants of the YARD paintings, oil over acrylic. The graphic collaged elements—cardboard, textiles, and elastic, are ready-made, found objects that I have scavenged from the studio. These elements bisect the paintings creating sections or quadrants. I was thinking about the panes of a window, the bars of a prison. The vantage point is unclear. Are we looking out or are we looking in?” #SterlingRuby #GagosianArtistEye
Image: Sterling Ruby, "CRUX. YELL.," 2016, acrylic, oil, elastic and fabric on canvas, 57 × 43 1/2 inches (144.8 × 110.5 cm) © Sterling Ruby Studio.
Photo by Robert Wedemeyer.


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