カナダグースのインスタグラム(canadagoose) - 2月14日 08時34分

The second leg of Ray Zahab’s #ArcticExtreme Expedition has begun! Ray is crossing Baffin Island on ski, starting from the North Pangnirtung Fiord with the goal of passing through—and across—the Coronation Glacier in Auyuittuq National Park. “I spent a day scouting around the toe of the Coronation Glacier with Billy Arnaquq (a local friend, fellow explorer and Inuit elder from Qikiqtarjuaq) looking for safe passage through the moraine onto the glacier,” says Ray. “Billy couldn't believe how much the area had changed in the last year: it appeared the glacier had just calved. Snow was deep and not compact. Glaciers are constantly changing, and we couldn't locate a safe route—there were many crevasses and drop offs.”


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