パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 2月9日 19時42分

[Trans] A delivery guy in Dongdaemun Market wrote his experience with Yoochun

This is a comment in a news article on 01/17/2017

Yoochun brother, do you remember 6 years ago we met in an eatery in Dongdaemun? During that moment, you were dining with your friends and I was also there sharing a bowl of soup with rice with a grandma. You happened to see us then, you ordered additional bowl of rice and soup with a can of fanta for us. As you didn't have any envelope with you then, you took a black plastic bag and put in some cash and told me "help grandma to pay for her monthly rental..." Your kind deed has given me warmth to my life and I will never forget your kindness for the rest of my life.

Translations by: um3ira


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