スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 1月28日 05時29分

A few months ago, I met with Dutch designer Joris Laarman on the occasion of his solo exhibition at the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands.
From Laarman’s mind spring forms such as furniture generated by algorithms, lampshades made of genetically modified bioluminescent cells, and the first open-source 3D printable chair in the world.
Joris made this sinuous metal sculpture using robotic 3D printed technology, which is also currently being used to print @mx3dbridge, a fully functional metal bridge for one of Amsterdam’s canals. I am excited to be working on an exhibition with Joris opening at @cooperhewitt this fall.
This is @baumstagram, director of @cooperhewitt, taking over the Smithsonian account for the week. Follow us for more design insights!


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