フィラデルフィア美術館のインスタグラム(philamuseum) - 1月11日 00時58分

Layering, also known as “kasane,” has been a popular artistic technique in Japan from as early as the Heian Period (794–1185). A few months ago, we posted about our Heian Poetess by Tosa Mitsuoki, and discussed the tradition of layering #kimono of different colors and patterns. Sasai Fumie, a contemporary artist using a lacquer technique that dates back to the Jomon Period (10,500–300 BCE), was inspired by kimono of courtly ladies for her “Kasane” series. Both works are on view now in “Designing Japan.”

“Kasane 7,” 2015, by Sasai Fumie. “Portrait of a Heian Court Lady,” late 17th century (Edo Period, 1615–1868), by Tosa Mitsuoki


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