ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 12月8日 01時51分

“When we’re making the show, I envision people like us because there’s just not enough stuff that’s tailored toward anybody who’s not, like, a white dude, basically. So it feels good to be able to be like, okay this is the show that I would want to listen to if I listened to podcasts. Because I don’t, really. And we just really want to fill a gap, fill a hole, because there’s just such a starved audience out there that really wants to see themselves represented. And, that’s who I envision when we’re making the show.” -Tracy Clayton (left) of Buzzfeed’s “Another Round” podcast
For its latest installment of #CreativeNewYork, #PopRally chats with Tracy Clayton (@brokeymcpoverty) and Heben Nigatu (@heavenrants), hosts of Buzzfeed’s hilarious podcast “Another Round,” entering its second season. Read the full interview at nyc.moma.org
[Photo: Jon Premosch/BuzzFeed]


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