アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 11月30日 06時32分

It’s time for #TrilobiteTuesday! Despite a strikingly similar morphological profile, it’s obvious that not all trilobites looked the same. Some trilobites had eyes… some didn’t. Others possessed long, flowing genal spines while others displayed little more than vestigial stumps. Certain species featured posterior appendages comprised of sharply pointed spikes, while others exhibited tail spines that occasionally exceeded the length of their entire bodies. Some trilobites were designed like a hydrodynamic rocket ship while others resembled nothing more than a primordial meatloaf. A few early species, such as this Lower Cambrian Olenellus fowleri from the Pioche Shale of Nevada, even featured multi-segmented opistothorax, which provided bold evidence of the trilobites’ even more primitive, worm-like predecessors.

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