ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 11月11日 02時05分

#tbt to 1942, in honor of Veterans Day: Presented less than six months after Pearl Harbor, "Road to Victory," with its clearly propagandistic aim, was an unusual exhibition for MoMA. Photographer Edward Steichen, then a lieutenant commander in the US Navy and later an influential curator of photography at the Museum, organized this arrangement of enormous, freestanding photographic enlargements and murals. Featuring a cross-section of American life, from rural panoramas to scenes of preparation for war, it was intended, according to the press release, to “enable every American to see himself as a vital and indispensable element of victory.” The majority of these uncredited photographs came from federal programs such as the Farm Security Administration. See images of the 1942 installation and more at mo.ma/52exhibitions. 9 of #52exhibitions #MoMAhistory


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