アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 11月2日 06時30分

It's time for #TrilobiteTuesday! Paleontologists think that from the moment trilobites first appeared on the Paleozoic scene some 521 million years ago, these primeval creatures must have been divided into males and females. They also surmise that the mass mortality trilobite plates that have been uncovered in locales ranging from Oklahoma to Russia to China, might provide evidence of early mating assemblages. A few leading authorities have speculated that the fancy frills, spines and horns that adorn certain trilobite species–such as this Quadrops flexuosa from Morocco–may, in fact, represent a primal example of peacock-like sexual adornment. With a little imagination, one can readily picture male trilobites crawling along the ancient sea floor, brandishing an array of eye-catching bodily decorations (perhaps in a variety of bold colors) all done in an attempt to gain the notice of available females.


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